Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spirituality - Physical or Meta-physical

Spirituality. I hardly understand the significance of this word, leave alone the meaning. Its sometime seems fancy and at others unreal. I got thinking about it few days back due to some very strange reason. I’ll get back to it later, but today watching a documentary on Louis I Kahn – the legendry architect, known in India for his design of IIM Ahmedabad and Capitol Complex of Bangladesh, spread some different light on the ambiguous word.

Well it all started with a pun intended attribution of seven deadly sins among my circle of sinners. We never zeroed on the final distribution, but yes ‘lust’ found its rightful sinner. The curiosity about his recognized sin, the sinner went on to research the lecherous sin. His findings were earth shattering as he went on to describe lust as “something beyond love, a state of oneness with the god”. Don’t give me “wtf”, but that what it boiled down to ‘Spiritual Lust’.

‘Spiritual Lust’- such an oxymoronic phrase, how can such an earthly/bodily thing have meta-physical acceptance? Was my pornography obsessed baby faced sinner mistaken, or he unknowingly unearthed something absolute? I’m still perplexed.   

This perplexing state made me observe things around me from a different angle. The euphoric celebrations of janamasthami (anniversary of Lord Krishna) by fellow students in hostel, denial by university to provide a common ground for similar celebration of Eid, then university offering a certificate course in “Ethical Values”, the rumors of two of our fellow students converting to Islam and of university granting holiday to just Muslim students for Eid, to even the discuss on population density and area distribution among different economic groups in a housing scheme. I hope even you can see the apparent spirituality and lust in these happenings.

I don’t know what I want to point.

Was Gandhi justified in criminal negligence of his son’s aspirations for the greater common good, was Louis Kahn justified in his quest of architectural brilliance at cost of this family and parental responsibility. What Gandhi and Kahn achieved was a body of work which the world now regards as spiritual, by means which I can positively define as lusty. Then, am I justified in debating the rights of homeless to shelter at the cost of land’s commercial and real estate potential.

Is lust spiritual or spirituality lusty? Dilemma!

Spirituality is something which on and off gets associated with religion. Do religions define what is spiritual? I don’t know, but yes billions follow and practice religion in quest of this.

“I’m a very spiritual person, but not even remotely religious”, I have read and heard this statement so many a time that now it sounds “I’m the essence of humanity, but not even remotely human”

Spirituality is a state of mind, but the point remains this mind resides in this body.

Love all.

1 comment:

  1. gud 1 oviee......!!.......hope d sinner quoted enjoys reading it too...!!!
